We take preventive measures to avoid harm and protect ourselves from the various destructive elements in our environment. Our material body requires protection from physical harm that is why we take preventive measures like wearing appropriate clothes to safeguard our body. We also eat healthily and exercise to avoid getting sick. We evaluate our thoughts and emotions and do things that make us productive and happy to protect our emotional and mental health.
But aside from our physical and mental health, did you know that spiritual health is also a necessary part of our lives that needs taking care of?
When talking about religion, faith and belief are the strongest protection against spiritual evils. But when we refer to spiritual protection in terms of the soul or the spirit, the energy and its place in the universe, this requires protection from psychic vampires or from the negative thoughts all around us which can lead to mental or psychotic disorders. To bring back our good spiritual health, psychics and intuitive healers can use their abilities to access the metaphysical plane and help us finetune our energies to shield us from bad energy attacks and restore balance from an overdose of good energy.
Protection from psychic vampires or from people and things that suck our energy leaving us feeling tired, depressed are necessary. When not taken cared of, this can lead to severe mental or psychotic disorders that not only affect mental health but also weakens our body and our spirit. Other evils around the universe that can affect our spiritual health include bad energies from dark spirits roaming the earth or from places that suffered negative events and whose energies have stuck to us or affected us after encountering them. Protection from sychic attacks or from people who have bad intentions and are out there to harm you is also another situation where psychics and intuitive healers can be of help.
To protect us from bad energies from evil or dark spirits roaming the earth, psychics may seek their spirit guides or the angels and archangels to help protect us by steering us away from dark places and dark spirits. Psychics can implore the help of light beings to combat the dark energy creeping its way into our spirit. Most psychic mediums, on the other hand, perform simple cleansing rituals especially after channelling sessions. Some psychic mediums also perform exorcisms to a degree, especially when they think there is an urgent need to get rid of the bad energy or dark spirit hanging on to a person, a place or a memory.
Spiritual protection can also come in the form of energy or aura cleansing and balancing your chakras. Since our aura and chakra are responsible for the flow of life energies around our body, we must keep them balanced to have a healthy mind, body and soul. Psychics can perform energy cleansing or aura healing remotely. Some may need you to procure psychic tools like crystals or candles to help them better tune in to the psychic force and connect with your energy vibrations and finetune your aura. Other psychics may use their own psychic tools to enhance their psychic abilities to better reach and connect with your psychic energy. Psychics can also use spells, symbols, prayers, colour therapy and other healing practices to shield you from bad energies and recuperate your spirit from previous psychic attacks.
Since a part of bad energy comes from our own negative thoughts, practising meditation and creative visualisation can help clear our mind and replace negative with positive thoughts and raise our spirits. Psychics would also advise you to do meditation exercises or practice daily meditation to build up your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Practising meditation with reflection even for just a few minutes every day will help you develop a healthier and happier lifestyle which can greatly impact your health and wellness.
Since the soul, the mind and the body are essential elements in fulfilling our potential, we must take care of our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. When we are experiencing physical pain, we have medical doctors who can help us. Psychologists, life coaches and the likes are there for our mental health problems. For our spiritual body, psychics, intuitive healers and those with the ability to see beyond the physical plane and harness its energy can provide us with the protection against the evils in the universe, cleanse us of bad energy and guide us towards fulfilling our destiny.
When we feel down or having negative thoughts, we must also help ourselves by tuning in to the natural healing properties of nature and by doing positive mental, physical and spiritual exercises which can protect us from bad energies and dark spirits.
At Psychic Truth, we have psychics and intuitive healers available to help you rid of the bad energy surrounding you and offer cleansing and protection for healing and peace. Aside from spiritual protection, our psychics can also provide spiritual guidance and provide advice on how to deal with life, love, relationships and career.