This is the first of two equinoxes that occur each year. The equinox is the time that the Moon aligns with the Earth’s horizon and gives the entire world a balance of light and dark.
The equinox also marks the passing of the winter and heralds the spring (or autumn/fall in the Southern Hemisphere). Equinox, the word, has its roots in Latin and is made up of ‘aequi’ meaning equal and ‘nox’ that means night.
From this point on, the daylight hours will increase, until the Summer Solstice when the daylight reaches its maximum length.
The festival associated with the Spring Solstice is Ostara that celebrates the renewal of life and involves using eggs as a symbol, along with the hare. Much of the symbolism from Ostara has been incorporated into the Christian celebration of Easter.
The Equinox is a time for us to look inside ourselves to identify what we need to do to bring balance into our lives. This balance could be between work and life, give and take, activity and lethargy are a few examples.
It is worth remembering that the Universe looks for things to be in balance and harmony, so if your man infestation intentions encourage equality and balance, there are unlikely to be any objections from the Divine Power.
Let’s take a brief look at what each star sign can expect from this Equinox:
The Equinox and the beginning of the Aries season are in tandem and, on the following day, sees the New Moon in Aries. This is an extremely powerful time for you but it will be important for you to maintain a balance within yourself and with your environment. If you are able to achieve these things your wishes and intentions are more likely to succeed.
Being balanced is a way of life for you, aided by your ruling planet, Venus. The Equinox is a time to prepare to spring clean – take a big bag or box and place all the items that are no longer of use to you. This clearing-out process can also be applied to your thought patterns, behaviours, habits and beliefs. You really do need to be tough with yourself and get rid of anything that does not enhance your balance.
At the time of the Equinox, Mars is in your sign. Mars is the planet of action and does not compromise… ever! At this time, do your very best, whilst keeping yourself balanced. This will not be easy but the strive benefits will be worth the effort.
As always, family is your main priority but you also long to achieve balance in your life. The Equinox will inspire you to look for balance but also be aware of the New Moon that occurs the following day and, as your ruling planet, you will feel refreshed and re-energised. Additionally, Mars transits into your sign four days later and this will give you the courage to charge forwards with your ideas and plans.
You are ruled by the Sun and the two equinoxes and both solstices are solar festivals, in other words, they are ruled by the Sun and, therefore, any event that involves the Sun also encompasses your star sign, Leo. At the time of the Equinox, light and dark are equal. This would be a perfect time for you to look within and identify areas that do not often see the light, such as your shadow side. Why is this aspect of you kept hidden? Perhaps look for ways to bring this aspect to the front.
You like things to be neat and tidy, balanced and organised. Alongside this, you get immense pleasure from looking at the world to identify areas that could be improved. The Equinoxes are important to you and you welcome the learning opportunities that are offered to you.
Your middle name is balanced as denoted by the symbol of your star sign, the scales. The Equinoxes highlight the duality and its importance to you – male/female, light/dark, introvert/extrovert, loud/quiet – each is as valuable as the other. This Equinox is a perfect time to set your intentions regarding changes and improvements in your life and even globally.
Your ruling planet is Pluto, which brings death, destruction and rebirth. Be prepared for the force of Pluto to be felt over the days following the Equinox as the planet transits into Aquarius, which will be the first time this pairing has happened since 1778 and it could well herald a period of political unrest or even a revolution!
You always have to work hard to achieve balance because you are such a free spirit and you seek adventures, colourful solutions to problems but this Equinox wants you to slow down, take your time and actively choose the most balanced options. However, are you and that’s important above anything else. That’s fine, so long as you promise yourself that you will think things through before making decisions.
The Equinox is a time to find a balance between light and dark, you will be giving out a sigh of relief on the first day of spring. On the day following the Equinox, Pluto, who is responsible for endings and beginnings will be leaving your star sign to move into Aquarius. Pluto has been resident in Capricorn since 2008, which kicked off massive global changes and restructuring.
Be prepared for the arrival of Pluto in your star sign, The last time Pluto was in your sign was 1778, when society was completely different, In reality, while the rest of humanity will be striving to achieve balance, you will be trying your utmost to shoulder the responsibility bestowed on you by Pluto, You can do it, keep breathing.
Equinox marks the start of the new astrological calendar and the beginning of Aries season. For most other people, they will be celebrating moving into the light it is very likely that your thoughts will be looking for opportunities to hibernate and hide away. This is because you are comfortable in the shadow world, the oceanic depths, but the dawn of Aries season heralds the coming increase in light, which you can find challenging and stressful. Take your time to adjust and honour your need for peacefulness and privacy.
Look out for the next festival, Beltane, on the first of May that will cover the traditions of the time and how it can be celebrated.
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