Some people tend to have reservations when talking about getting a Psychic Reading using the tarot cards and letting spirits guide their path. These reservations stem from myths and misconceptions that surround psychics and their supernatural abilities. Naturally, people are sceptical and question how Psychics have the ability to receive the information and wonder if they really are gifted.
Here are some of the most popular Psychic Myths that, in one way or another, are rooted in history and real-life experiences, but are just misconceptions which should be properly corrected.
#Myth: Psychics are spooky!
This image is perhaps one of the most popular portrayals of Psychics there is in mainstream media. For centuries, Psychics have been depicted in literature and media based on what’s happening during their period. During the Inquisition and the Witch Trials, Psychics have been accused as witches because of similarities with witchcraft. In the 18th century, when circuses were popular and different wonders were prolific, Psychics often presented themselves in such an image as the myth suggests in order to attract curious customers ready to enjoy the marvels that the circuses offer. Over the past century, as technology developed and information is now more abundant, Psychics are able to present themselves as to how they naturally are – regular people that do not need to dress up to harness their supernatural abilities.
#Myth: Psychic Readings are fake and Psychics are just con-artists out to get people’s money.
Indeed, some are charlatans.
But when you meet a truly genuine Psychic, especially one that is very attuned to their abilities, you can have an unforgettable experience which you can take as is, or use to influence and guide you through life, exposing the opportunities that lie ahead. There are various online accounts of sceptics who have changed their opinions of Psychics after experiencing a Psychic Reading. There are also some instances where legit government operations use Psychics to help assist in their investigations. Check out some stories of Psychic encounters.
#Myth: All Psychics can read minds.
Psychics cannot read minds but they can tune in to different otherworldly elements which give them an insight into the world of the person that they are talking to. Clairaudients, Clairsentients, and Clairvoyants use extrasensory perceptions of sound, energy, and objects respectively to give an insight or general advice to a person’s health and well-being, as well as with their relationships. Mediums, on the other hand, can channel energies between the living and the dead which gives them the ability to connect with the higher realms and tap into ideas as well as knowledge and wisdom.
#Myth: Psychics know everything and they are always attuned to their gifts.
It would be difficult for Psychics to always be attuned to their abilities as this often requires connecting with your inner self and with otherworldly elements through mind and body meditation. Psychics do not know everything, they just have the ability to give an insight to other people based on what they are presented with by spirits or by supernatural elements. Often, there are also times where Psychics will find it difficult to get a reading of a person especially when their defences are up and they are not open to connecting with a psychic reader.
For a greater understanding, you can read the accounts of our psychic readers and learn how they came to terms with their abilities to help others. Psychics become aware of their gifts at a young age and quite often inherit their psychic ability from parents and grandparents.
Psychic Pauline speaks about tuning in to her spirituality, while Psychic Tina speaks about life and parts lessons and advice for all to consider.
Get a firsthand experience of a genuine psychic reading with truly gifted psychics who always have your best interests at heart. We are proud of our psychic readers at Psychic Truth. Call now to find out why 01223 800 616.